
This too shall pass

todayDecember 3, 2023 9 1 5

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    This too shall pass Host : @Kliberache Lawrence Manyapelo

This Too Shall Pass
  • fast_forward00:00:00 iTunes: Norman Hutchins – Isiah 59:12


What a glorious Sunday it is—the first one of December! As you navigate through any hardships or struggles, know that I am unyielding. I empathize with the feeling of falling apart and experiencing unimaginable pain. But rest assured, I have endured the worst and triumphed over it. Just like I sacrificed myself for the sins of others, only to be resurrected in glory,

In this podcast episode, I bring forth the powerful message of God from Isaiah 59, verse 19. It fills our hearts with joy to know that as we fear the name of the Lord and behold His glory, He promises to rise against any enemy that may come upon us like a flood. The spirit of the Lord surrounds us like a standard, offering protection and guidance in times of trouble. What a glorious promise we have in these words! Let us rejoice in the power and love of our mighty God.


1. How joyful it is when people revere the name of the Lord!

2. How they marvel at his glorious presence!

3. How radiant and breathtaking is the rising sun?

4. Let us raise a triumphant banner!

This podcast episode of Vidadevine explores the concept of “they,” which refers to everything that enters your life and opposes your actions. “They” can represent your burdens and obstacles. However, when you rise like the sun and give praise, worship, and glory to God, your enemies become engulfed with fear—the fear of God. Fear has the power to paralyze us, but when we continue to rise like the sun, shining our light even in times of financial struggle and against known and unknown enemies, we invoke that same fear in them. The Bible teaches us that “they” are afraid of the name of the Lord. So as you continue to rise like the sun, remember to always give glory to God’s name because it instills fear in your adversaries.

Continue to give glory to God and watch the incredible power it brings into your life. No matter what challenges you face, remember that the words of God and positive thinking can conquer anything. Keep the faith and believe in His miracles.

And as a token of appreciation, here are some beautiful flowers for you. 💐

Hello there! I’m Lawrence Manyapelo, the proud founder of PREVIDAR and Vidar.Africa. You may get to know me by following @kliberache on X.

Written by: Vidar Online Fashion Radio

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